Beilers Broth
/By Dr Colleen Tyler ND
All the players!
Beilers broth is an amazingly restorative, digestible and nourishing soup that is just what the doctor called for when you are embarking on a cleanse or fighting off any kind of cold, flu or infection. It can also be very nourishing for your or that friend or family member that has found themselves under a great deal of stress and needs a nourishing boost. It is super simple and although not a culinary delight that I would prepare for my next holiday party, its subtle almost bland flavor makes it very palatable for the whole family and easy to get down and not get tired of after one bowl. It is a combination of vegetables put together by Dr. Beiler himself decades ago, as he felt that this combination of vegetables had most of the vitamins and nutrients needed for full restoration of whatever might be ailing you. It helps balance your body pH and your sodium/potassium levels. It has vitamins and nutrients that promote a healthy detoxification process and many of the vegetables have known cancer fighting agents.
What’s in this whole food marvel of a broth;
Zucchini: The smaller the better for this impressive squash whose size can grow to that of a toddler. Containing large amounts of potassium, carotenes (viral fighting agents) and vitamin C. It helps prevent cell mutation (aka cancer fighting property) and its high water content combined with its array of minerals makes it great for rehydration.
Green Beans: Packed with fiber and containing nutrients such as folic acid, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium and manganese, these stringy green little stunners provide the density to make this a full meal deal.
Parsley: Rich in a large number of nutrients, chlorophyll and carotenes. Its high mineral content is great for balancing electrolytes. It nutrients with the chlorophyll and carotenes really help fire up the immune system as well. Interesting little diddy – when eaten after a meal filled with fried foods its high chlorophyll content is said to help negate the cancer causing properties of the fried foods. Win, win….(This does not mean you should go out and eat mass amounts of fried foods thinking that a little bit of parsley after each meal will improve your health!)
Celery: This sexy stalky sensational veggie is not just known for its amazing benefits to those with elevated blood pressure but the phytochemical compound of coumarine is known to enhance activity of white blood cells. It is super high in both potassium and sodium so its use as an electrolyte replacement is unparalleled to most veggies. (I see a hangover cure for you college kids!!!)
These are the main ingredients and real winners in this broth, but who follows a recipe exactly as their told? I like to add in a thing or two depending on the current reason for making the broth in the first place.
Have a cold or the flu?
Garlic: How has this food/herbal medicine not made it into the world hall of fame. Its active chemical compound allicin can heal a slew of ailments but specifically for this write up its anti-microbial effects are AMAZING! So amazing as an infection fighter the term “Russian Pencillin” was used to describe this white little root. (Why Russian? I don’t know maybe they used it for this purpose a lot) It has lots of B6 (great for detox), Vitamin C, potassium, iron, copper, phosphorus and more. It has been known to fight infections such as the common cold, flus, stomach viruses, candida yeast, and microbes as strong as tuberculosis and botulism. Hot damn, sign me up for that intoxicating breath that really awakens the senses. Or at least the sense that everyone is moving away from you do to your garlic rich fumes.
Nettle: Did you know there is a whole book dedicated to this herbal wonder. Packed in nutrients and good for so many things, I used it in beilers broth if allergies and congestion are an issue.
Circulation problems:
Ginger: This one will really heat you up and adds a powerful punch to the flavor content of the soup, so if you need to bring down inflammation or have poor circulation drop some roots in your stew. Remember to remove before blending (or not, but they can be rather stringy)
Olive Oil: If you need a little boost as you are drinking this for a couple of days adding a little bit of Olive oil can increase your calories and give you the needed energy to get you through the day.
Recipe & Ingredients
1-2 Zucchini’s
1 bunch of green beans (about half a produce bag full)
4-6 stalks of celery
1 bunch of parsley
6-8 cups of water
To do:
1- Chop all ingredients except parsley.
2- Place chopped ingredients in large pot with water and bring to a boil. Once at a boil turn down to a simmer and let cook for 30-60 minutes or until ingredients soft.
3- Add parsley and let cook for an extra minute or two.
4- Let cool for 10-15 minutes.
5- Using an immersion blender or a regular blended, blend all contents together.
6- Place in containers to store in fridge or make a big bowl for yourself right away.
7- Store in fridge.
If sick consume only this and large amount of water and tea for 2-3 days. If using for a detox you can combine with cleansing foods or use as a standalone liquid fast, drinking only this for 2-3 days with water as well of course. If using it as general nourishing meal use as much or as little as wanted in a combination meal or stand alone. Enjoy.
Healing Foods by Michael Murray ND, Joseph Pizzorno ND and Lara Pizzorno MA,LMT.