All suggestions made in this article are for informational purposes only and are not meant to be used in replacement for medical advice or individual needs. Please contact your medical doctor with questions or concerns regarding any supplements regiment before initiating.
Supplement Basic’s
When I was fresh out of school, I felt that if everyone just ate a healthy diet and exercised, they could achieve optimal health at no additional cost. I have come to realize this was naive and wishful thinking. If you are not growing your own food at home or buying from a farm that practices healthy soil management, intercropping and organic methods your food likely comes from monocroping and depleted soils. Even this is assuming that you are eating whole foods, with a plant based (this doesn’t mean vegan or vegetarian) foundation, because processed foods have even less nutrients. There for it can easily be surmised that most individuals are not getting enough nutrients (vitamins, mineral, phytonutrients, antioxidants ect) with malnutrition quickly on the rise in our country despite overconsumption of calories. It didn’t take long for me to realize that a lot of patients need a bit more than diet and lifestyle modifications to fight off illness and disease processes.
I now use supplements in my practice all the time, yet still have the goal of keeping people away from a handful of pills daily and working more towards colorful plates of food (Food is medicine!). For the average person I recommend a small daily regiment of supplements to keep things in balance. Even for the healthiest of individuals these suggestions can be beneficial. These are merely suggested supplements and they might not be right for your individual needs. Speaking with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement is recommended. With this said, not all supplements are created equal, please take the time to research products you are using to make sure they come from a high quality brand. All suggestions from this article can be found and bought directly from my online Medicinary on Fullscript (Link below) and are listed under the Basic Wellness Supplements - Category. All users will automatically receive a 10% discount on orders purchased through medicinary, with free shipping on orders of $50.
Basic Supplements:
Daily Multi-Vitamin - (Thorne 2/Day great option)
Probiotic: (MegaSpore by Microbiome labs or Ther-biotic by Klaire Labs)
Fish oil/Cod Liver oil: (Nordic Naturals Pro-Omega or Trident SAP by NFH
Active B Complex: (Integrative Therapeutics)
Magnesium: (Metabolic Maintnance)
A basic multi-vitamin is key to the bare minimum of nutrient intake. There are many different kinds of multi-vitamins and different individuals may require more of one vitamin or mineral than another. For instance most women could benefit from Iron while most men don’t need the extra iron, while pregnant women always need more b-vitamins. But once again this greatly varies between individuals and you should check in with your naturopath for your own specific needs.
From decreasing inflammation to improving cholesterol. Omega’s are a must in our deficient diets of modern day.